Thursday, December 30, 2010

30 Dec 2010 - Desa Park City night walk

t's being a while since I talk to Elmen and Yew Kay few months back. Perhaps BSS met up with yk more than I do. Me and Elmen has been busy for works. So happen today we got some free time to meet up at night at desa park city. We just have some New Zealand ice cream and walk around the park. I took some night scenery photo of that park.

That is BSS of the left, yk and then Elmen. 3 of them were enjoying their ice cream. Of course the mosquitoes were also enjoying their blood.

The condo opposite of desa park city. A very nice view! Hopefully one day I can afford a block there hahaha. Not one unit a block. Damn greedy of me!

This is the lake located at desa park city. A very nice scenery indeed

This is the special neon light for Christmas and new year celebration.
After some walk we just went back home. Then we talk about some Fortigate firewall configuration and also our routine daily life. BSS is busy making tau fu fa. I am still wondering how the things will come out tommorow

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Game Review - Star Sentinel Tactics

Personally I really like tactics games. Games such as Final Fantasy Tactics, Ogre Tactics, Fallout Tactics and Front Mission series are awesome. Disgaea series are another hardcore RPG gamer must play. When I heard this game from my friend, I have been looking forward for its release. But it seems it is a totally disappointing.

Generally, this games looks like X-COM clone or UFO Series. Even UFO aftermath which was released years ago has a better features and gameplay. Though Start Sentinel has slightly better graphics on the dynamic shadows and lighting. Others than that. I don't think is worth playing.
People who like X-COM or UFO series might like this game. But if you don't wanna spend money on game, you can still go for UFO:Alien Invasion, which is an open source game available for download. Their community is quite active!

Graphics: 5/10

I think the graphics is just pretty outdated. It seems like I am playing UFO:AI. Other than having shadow and graphics. The animation of the enemies and character are truly not refine enough to be standard commercial game. Perhaps developers are focusing more on their game play rather than graphics. Usually a good tactics game relies heavily on gameplay and turn based features.

Interface: 4/10
I think the interface for this game is really bad. It seems like some college student tries to impress their lecturers with fancy interface but without friendly tool tips. Graphical interface wise it looks OK at the first impression, but in game playing are really messy. While pressing ESC key doesn't even bring up the menu in the first place. Users have to explore further in order to know what all those button means. In game tutorial is sufficient for gamers to proceed with their unfriendly user interface. Compare to fallout tactics, by using point and click mouse, the game can just proceed smoothly with action pack.

It just has basic turn based features with reserve Action Point to counter attack during enemy turns. Other than that, it has dozen of weapons, which doesn't have in depth customization. One of the must have feature in tactics game are the character configuration with weapons, armor and gadget that allow players to form different strategy. But it seems this game has only inventory, gunz and armors only. I have no more comments on research tech tree, character skill trees and etc..

Sound: 3/10
I don't know where they got the sound effect. When the monster got shot, I just heard duck quacking!

the story telling is really boring. I believe playing DOS version Monkey Island with Guybrush Threepwood is much better.

As a conclusion, I would suggest the developer made this game into Web edition, that allows people to compete over web with MMO style. 3D is not really a matter anyway. Since gamers who enjoy tactics really like to configure and customize whatever weapons, items and characters they have. They more indepth they can go they more mesmerized they will be.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Crystal marks with various harddisk

Just to compare different harddisk benchmark on SSD VS conventional HDD. Like my brother said. quite disappointed with IBM SSD, even it is on RAID1. I didn't expect to such a low read rating.

1) Corsair F120 (Office Lenovo T60)
CrystalDiskMark 3.0 (C) 2007-2010 hiyohiyo

Crystal Dew World :
* MB/s = 1,000,000 byte/s [SATA/300 = 300,000,000 byte/s]

Sequential Read : 121.083 MB/s
Sequential Write : 75.293 MB/s
Random Read 512KB : 119.235 MB/s
Random Write 512KB : 76.361 MB/s
Random Read 4KB (QD=1) : 18.575 MB/s [ 4534.8 IOPS]
Random Write 4KB (QD=1) : 11.695 MB/s [ 2855.3 IOPS]
Random Read 4KB (QD=32) : 22.952 MB/s [ 5603.4 IOPS]
Random Write 4KB (QD=32) : 12.871 MB/s [ 3142.4 IOPS]

Test : 50 MB [C: 75.9% (38.6/50.9 GB)] (x5)
Date : 2010/10/26 13:16:43
OS : Windows XP Professional SP3 [5.1 Build 2600] (x86)


2) IBM 3650 M3 2x50GB SSD RAID1
CrystalDiskMark 3.0 (C) 2007-2010 hiyohiyo

Crystal Dew World :
* MB/s = 1,000,000 byte/s [SATA/300 = 300,000,000 byte/s]

Sequential Read : 111.642 MB/s
Sequential Write : 60.382 MB/s
Random Read 512KB : 108.101 MB/s
Random Write 512KB : 61.762 MB/s
Random Read 4KB (QD=1) : 15.088 MB/s [ 3683.7 IOPS]
Random Write 4KB (QD=1) : 9.180 MB/s [ 2241.1 IOPS]
Random Read 4KB (QD=32) : 37.132 MB/s [ 9065.3 IOPS]
Random Write 4KB (QD=32) : 10.547 MB/s [ 2574.8 IOPS]

Test : 50 MB [C: 19.8% (5.8/29.3 GB)] (x5)
Date : 2010/11/01 2:34:41
OS : Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP1 [5.2 Build 3790] (x64)


3) IBM 3650M3 6x500GB 6Gbps SAS RAID10
CrystalDiskMark 3.0 (C) 2007-2010 hiyohiyo

Crystal Dew World :
* MB/s = 1,000,000 byte/s [SATA/300 = 300,000,000 byte/s]

Sequential Read : 285.645 MB/s
Sequential Write : 88.399 MB/s
Random Read 512KB : 72.458 MB/s
Random Write 512KB : 49.955 MB/s
Random Read 4KB (QD=1) : 1.710 MB/s [ 417.4 IOPS]
Random Write 4KB (QD=1) : 0.608 MB/s [ 148.4 IOPS]
Random Read 4KB (QD=32) : 11.542 MB/s [ 2818.0 IOPS]
Random Write 4KB (QD=32) : 5.325 MB/s [ 1300.0 IOPS]

Test : 50 MB [E: 0.0% (0.1/166.0 GB)] (x5)
Date : 2010/11/01 2:42:14

OS : Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP1 [5.2 Build 3790] (x64)


4) Samsung PM800 SSD (Alienware M17-R2)
CrystalDiskMark 3.0 x64 (C) 2007-2010 hiyohiyo

Crystal Dew World :
* MB/s = 1,000,000 byte/s [SATA/300 = 300,000,000 byte/s]

Sequential Read : 204.268 MB/s
Sequential Write : 130.096 MB/s
Random Read 512KB : 160.274 MB/s
Random Write 512KB : 98.873 MB/s
Random Read 4KB (QD=1) : 12.273 MB/s [ 2996.4 IOPS]
Random Write 4KB (QD=1) : 5.159 MB/s [ 1259.6 IOPS]
Random Read 4KB (QD=32) : 26.074 MB/s [ 6365.8 IOPS]
Random Write 4KB (QD=32) : 5.852 MB/s [ 1428.6 IOPS]

Test : 50 MB [C: 35.1% (43.3/123.1 GB)] (x5)
Date : 2010/11/03 8:53:18

OS : Windows 7 [6.1 Build 7600] (x64)


As you all can see the result of benchmark, SSD really performs better even in non-RAID environment. Of course RAID10 read rating is really good, i should say the random 512k for RAID10 non-SSD is another nice figure to see. but comparing 4KB, Cosair wins the battle. while on 4kKB QD, IBM SSD takes the lead. Random 512K. We have samsung SSD taking the lead.

Personally I believe the hardware setup and also OS configuration impact alot on the result. As corsair has claimed they can reached about 285 MB in read sequential. But result of benchmark shows differently. Even at their own blog, they have a comparison of crystal mark too. Both Corsair and samsung SSD are running on laptop while RAID1 and RAID10 are running on server configuration. They only thing I wish to test on is having 2 SSD running on RAID1 and RAID0. Perhaps I should put in 2x samsung SSD for the final testing.

Monday, July 26, 2010


在 从 前 的 某 个 小 镇 里 ,有 个 年 轻 有 为 但 生 活 却 困 穷 的 青 少 年 ,他 爱 上 了 来 之 富 有 豪 门的 千 金 小 姐 ,当 然 她 也 爱 上 了 他 ,但 在 当 时 的 社 会 他 们 的 恋 情 怎 可 能 会 被 允 许 呢 ? 结果 他 们 决 定 私 奔 ,到 一 处 没 人 认 识 的 小 镇 ...

终 于 他 们 逃 脱 了 世 界 上 的 枷 锁 ,来 到 了 一 个 小 镇 .
那 男 的 安 安 份 份 找 了 一 份 工 ,每 天 辛 勤 的 工 作 ,因 为 他 曾 许 诺 她 会 给 她 一 辈 子 最 温 暖 的 家 庭 ,他 相 信 只 有 真 挚 不 移 的 爱 才 会 得 到 幸 福 ...
那 女 的 ,露 出 仟 仟 的 玉 手 ,一 手 一 脚 的 建 立 出 那 简 朴 但 幸 福 的 小 窝 ,因 为 她 坚 信 只 有 无 私 的 爱 和 无 限 的 包 容 才 能 得 到 幸 福 ...
日 子 也 一 天 一 天 的 度 过 了 ,虽 然 日 子 过 得 辛 苦 ,但 他 们 却 从 不 发 出 任 何 怨 言 ....

每 年 到 了 那 女 生 的 生 日 ,无 论 那 男 的 多 穷 他 都 会 掏 出 钱 购 买 三 朵 玫 瑰 送 给 她,当 他 看到 她 脸 上 因 收 到 花 而 流 露 出 来 的 笑 容 时 , 他 会 觉 得 再 怎 么 辛 苦 也 是 值 得 的..
而 女 的 ,每 年 也 一 直 期 待 自 己 的 生 日 到 来 ,这 小 小 的 动 作 为 他 们 俩 了 乏 味 的 生 活 中 带 来 了 一 点 点 调 味 料 ...
当 然 随 着 孩 子 们 的 诞 生 ,他 们 俩 的 日 子 更 是 过 得 更 艰 苦 ...

岁 月 不 留 人 ,转 眼 之 间 他 们 的 孩 子 也 都 长 大 喽 ~
每 个 孩 子 都 在 自 己 的 事 业 领 域 上 有 一 番 成 就 ,他 们 全 都 到 城 市 打 工 ....
那 小 屋 里 之 剩 下 他 们 俩 喽 ~

昔 日 的 年 青 人 也 变 成 满 天 白 发 的 老 公 公 喽 ,而 那 位 女 生 也 变 成 了 慈 祥 可 爱 的 老 婆 婆 啦 .他 们 俩 还 是 恩 恩 爱 爱 的 度 过 每 一 天 .....

某 年 的 冬 天 ,老 公 公 先 离 开 老 婆 婆 到 另 一 个 国 度 等 待 她 ,老 婆 婆 出 奇 的 安 静 ,她 没 流 泪 ,因 为 她 知 道 老 公 公 没 抛 弃 她 ,只 是 到 某 个 国 度 等 她 而 已 .......

那 年 的 冬 天 特 别 的 冷 ,那 年 的 冬 天 也 好 像 特 别 漫 长.. 那 年 的 雪 好 像 也 从 没 停 止 过...

老 公 公 过 世 后 ,老 婆 婆 还 是 待 在 那 小 屋 ,她 没 听 孩 子 们 的 劝 告 搬 到 城 市 去 住 ,因 为 这 小 屋 就 是 她 的 一 切 .....

很 快 的 ,今 天 又 是 到 了 老 婆 婆 的 生 日 ,她 的 孩 子 们 那 还 会 记 得 呢 ?正 当 老 婆 婆 正 在 慢慢 回 味 过 去 的 时 光 时 ,门 外 传 来 了 敲 门 声 ,老 婆 婆 也 觉 得 很 奇 怪 怎 会 有 人 来 探 访 她 呢 ? 但 ,她 还 是 开 了 门 ....

门 外 站 着 一 名 送 花 员 ,他 问 了 老 婆 婆 的 姓 氏 后 ,从 容 不 迫 的 从 后 掏 出 一 束 玫 瑰 花 ,不 多 也 不 少 就 是 三 朵 玫 瑰 花 ... 老 婆 婆 呆 住 了 ,
正 当 她 想 开 口 询 问 之 际 ,或 许 那 送 花 员也 知 道 老 婆 婆 想 问 他 什 么 吧 !
他 开 口 告 诉 了 老 婆 婆 ,这 些 花 是 在 那 老 公 公 还 没 过 世 前 就 已 预 订 了 ,每 年 的 今 天 都 必须 送 花 到 这 小 屋 ,因 为 这 是 要 送 给 他 一 生 中 最 深 爱 的 太 太 ,直 到 某 天 再 也 没 人 接 受 了才 断 止 .....

老 婆 婆 哭 了 ,至 从 老 公 公 过 世 后 ,她 是 第 一 次 哭.....
哭 了 好 久 ,她 笑 了 .....

因 为 老 婆 婆 ...老 婆 婆 总 于 深 深 的 体 会 到 老 公 公 对 她 那 一 辈 子 的 诺 言 ...

记 得 "真 情 才 是 一 辈 子 的 诺 言 噢 ~"

Monday, June 7, 2010

Kanching Water falls with BSS

Is being a year already since I met her. Glad to have her with me all the time. I guess finally we are going to make it into the next stage of our life? Hmmmm date? can't tell her. Must give her a suprise LOL. Really appreciate things that she has done for me in my life. The reason she loves me is because I can change:P I am dynamic hahaha. Perhaps is true? Since she came into my life I changed so much. I no more having Aaron kwok hairstyle, I am not so lehhh fehhhh. These pics here don't have my stylish hair, just too lazy to make it when we are going to waterfalls. Thanks for your support and "kindness" even though we always "bite" each others. Perhaps just like Chrono Cross said, we hurt each others yet we ran like a wind, while our laughter echo under cerulean sky..

This is the best pic out of all, taken by others not me LOL!

Me and BSS

BSS trying to reach out for the Forest

Don't know what is she wondering?

Nothing too special

The water stream or BSS is nicer?:P

Who is this?

Gorgeous girl with pretty scenary

I think this one looks better than previous photo

Miss tan said, this photo is taken from calendar LOL, I guess may be those people went to same place and took the same pic?

This is the bottom part of the water fall
YUMMY!!!!! eating roti ice cream

natural green

Artistic shot! trying to be Pro haha

Our journey begins

Thursday, June 3, 2010

What has happen to degree and cert?

Today went for another onsite project in canon machinery. As usual I have a usual chat with the IT manager for certain IT paradigm shift and what's upcoming progress of the project.

Technology has become better, life styles have improve but sadly our education level has deteriorated years by years. Of course faizul study time is much earlier than me, because he has children and family now compare to me still "single". Well, even that time he doesnt' have any IT courses like multimedia, networking and those miscellaneous major. And perhaps they will have computer science as I remember my elder brother used to study that in informatics.

But as time progressed, my time have software engineering, business IT, computer science and many more IT majoring. Yet it only serves for quantity purpose not quality. When I was talking to faizul this early morning. He was telling me that, he has a friend who graduated in IT majoring multimedia. As far as I remember during your foundation year, you should learn about PC maintenance and trouble shooting. At that course you can format your computer, setup OS and then perform application/software installation. Well of course it covers more stuff from there.

Me and faiz could not believe that this guy have to send his computer for formating. and even recommended faiz to send his computer to this vendor if any problem occurs. I am not sure whether he got no time to fomat the computer or he really has too much money to spend. But I can say I kind a believe that he doesn't know how to format the computer and reinstall everything. The reason is simple, 7/10 fresh grads that finish programming courses that come for job interview do not know how to develop a program.

Previously I am really curious why such things will happen that a degree cert now is just like an ordinary toilet paper. People who finished some network admin or network engineer course do not know how to troubleshoot or configure the router. When I try to recall back how my study last time, I believe most lecturers are just teaching about theory. And most of them do not have practical skill in what they are teaching. Some of the students do not really voice up their question if they do not understand. The worst thing is you can't argue with your lecturer, they will always say they are right. And you are wrong LOL!. So at the end all the student end up silence and just listen to their theory teaching.

As faiz said, in western, they teach about practical and also application of the theory. If you ask them about the theory they will just ask you to refer to book and then apply the formula. That's why real way of making people understand the concept. Here when I see those lecturers teach about Object oriented or UML everything is just about theory. STill talking about car and trucks is the sub class of transport. Whenever the students read about it, they understand the relationship of car is transport. But in programming why Object oriented? Can't they show some better example that promote reusability and also code readability?

Especially when we were studying Artificial intelligence, all the students are so suffer in the class trying to comprehend what they indian guy from india is teaching. And most annoying thing is his indian slang. Even now, we still can remember the statement he is trying to say in indian slang. If all the birds fly in the air live under water likewise FALSE. Tom is the father of Zu and zu is the Son of Tom, like wise true. I mean everyone know what statement is true or false. But what is the application of studying all this. And we were never taught how to implement an AI system or not even a DSS. What a joke. Just like Mr. Joke said, his life is a joke LOL!

while I was writing this blog, I posted this status message in FB "Nowadays degree is really like toilet paper, graduate from IT still have to send their PC for vendor to format... sigh.." Some smart ass replied me: "lol.... din teach how to format PC =P" Perhaps 6/10 people will think like that, and that's why when they graduate in IT and so called IT professional have to send their PC to a non-degree holder that only has SPM cert to format their PC.

I should say LOL.... well... degree din teach you how to earn money and get a job? So why you get a job? LOL! and now I REALLY understand why last time the fresh grad copy paste my source code and still ask me why cannot work? and don't know how to debug! Is really vomit blood. How can someone MEMORIZE programming. Programming should be analytical and problem solving, not memories the same source code and copy paste. If it is so simple, a computer can just do it. Microsoft has copy and paste function since long long long ago. We don't need a programmer. But i know many my friends really memorize programming to pass the test. Sigh.....

Monday, May 24, 2010

A story to some Beh buk



年輕人就會出現,他會陪女孩說說話 ,或是逗女孩開心.










原來女孩希望用時間來沖淡年輕人對自己的感情 ,

她心想,一天夾1個娃娃, 最快也要三個多月之後才有100個,

















就這樣1 天,2天,3天..,年輕人的娃娃數量不斷的累積,而女孩刻意與年輕人保持距離的結果,


















可惜的是,年輕人始終沒出現, 只剩下那台沒人使用的娃娃機.

























Monday, May 10, 2010

How to make your pendrive bootable

After getting this new laptop, I just wanted to format my old dell inspiron 9400. This laptop when was past 3 years ago, is really fast and equipped with powerful graphic cards GeForce 7900. Which I think for that time can play most of the game. I guess doom 3 was released not really long that time too. But that time the shadow in 3D was not so intensive, this laptop can run most of the game without problem, even for Crysis and crysis warhead can be completed without much problem on medium settings. Hmm but end up now it can't run most of the 3D game on lowest setting especially this bad company 2. That game lacks so much when it was play on my inspiron 9400. And the DVD ROM is FUBAR. So I can't format and reinstall my OS. But with nowadays technology everything is possible. I start to look for information to boot up using Pendrive, as i know my motherboard and BIOS supported that function.

And to my suprise it is so easy to make it. If you are having windows 7 and vista. I believe the below command can be done using win XP fix disk. I remember when I was using DOS, we have to use fdisk alot.

So I assume you all have windows 7 or vista since windows 7 is real good now.
1. Insert USB drive to your pc and make sure you must backup all the data inside before proceeed to next step. After that, just remember to check which drive is your USB.
2. Go to start menu and type cmd at the search box, it will have cmd.exe at the top. Just right click on it and run as administrator. When there is a dialog box, just press YES! to continue.
3. When the Command Prompt opens, enter the following command:
DISKPART and hit enter. (I think in older version is fixdisk.
LIST DISK and hit enter.
after you have entered the LIST DISK command, it will show the disk number of your USB drive. In my laptop cause I have 1 physical hard disk, my USB drive disk no is shown as Disk 1.
4. In this step you need to enter all the below commands one by one and hit enter. As these commands are rather easy, you can easily guess what these commands do.
SELECT DISK 1 (if you have 2 physical hard disk you can have SELECT DISK 2 and so on)
CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY (in older fdisk this is to create primary partition so later you can boot with it)
SELECT PARTITION 1 (select the first partition)
ACTIVE (make the partition to become active)
FORMAT FS=NTFS QUICK (format the disk with NTFS)
ASSIGN (assign a disk drive)
EXIT (and exit(
after exit from DISKPART just do the following.
5. Insert your Windows CD/DVD in the optical drive and note down the drive letter of the optical drive and USB media. If you are using daemon tools or any virtual image, it still works. My daemon tools mount is DRIVE I. and my USB is DRIVE H.
6. Go back to command prompt and execute the following commands:
(Where “H” is your USB drive)
(you will see a message that your drive H: is successfully made bootable). If it is not, may be you are not running your cmd.exe using administrator mode or there is other error message that you might wanna share here.
7. Copy Windows CD/DVD contents to USB.
so now you will get a bootable windows USB drive.

I have tried this on windows server 2008 and it works. I am not sure about windows XP, perhaps you can use a windows 7 ,vista or server 2008 to bootsect it. then copy all the contents over.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Game Review - Battle field Bad Company 2

Being awhile since I have played battlefield 1 and 2. I guess it is a really nice game to play especially the early days of capture the flag and also camping to take out enemies using sniper.
While many other impressive title such as Call of Duty and Medal of honor may rival this BFBC2 title. This game is short I guess nowadays FPS is not that long since main focus has greatly concentrated on multiplay and graphics. I finished the game on hard mode and not too challenging I would say.

Gameplay: 8/10
It is a really nice FPS war game. Especially most of the stuff are destructible. And this make tanks and RPG much more deadlier than before. But Perhaps the destructible feature, the damage of grenade and RPG is reduced compare to Call of Duty. I guess COD is just way too realistic that when you get hit with 2 to 3 bullets you will be dead. Of course COD has larger team and more realistic battle formation. But for BF2 I guess is more to heroic theme and more like left 4 dead kind of game play. In single play, all your team mate can't die no matter what kind of bullet they take in their head. This make them a very good cannon fodder. Your teammate can simply rush in and clear of the enemy while you are sniping from behind. This game doesnt' have prone position like COD where you can camp and snipe. Other than this, everything is just nice to have. Because I play this game on hard mode, and there is no save game you can have manually, other than auto save, some of the mission is really annoying when you get reloaded in the enemy line of fire.

I don't know much about the 4 soldiers background, but the story definitely fit the title well (bad company). Your team mate sometimes help you some times they don't, you can't really give them direct order other than you follow them or they follow you. {spoiler} The story starts off with japan building some kind of scalar weapon,I guess is just some EMP pulse to disable all those tech gadget in 1943+. At the beginning you are playing as another guy, which lead a strike team into japan to rescue some scientist. At the end of the mission either you are KIA or MIA. Then it goes back to presence day that bad company has to be a special operation to lead a team to go to many places to find this emp bomb. It has many turn and twist here and there. It tells you about the terrors of war.

the graphics is astonishing, just like you were at the war zone. The explosion of tank shell, RPG and oil tank really gives gamers some real fireworks. Texture and details of the scene are as good as real. If gamers have a high end machine, definitely the game play will be more intense.
The bullets and gun fire are very well visualized too. The physic engine too are very well designed that rubbles, rag dolls and shots are perfectly simulated in game. If gamers want to know how much the physic engine has improve, try playing game like Counter strike and quake4. I know is old game with old technology, but that shows how much 3D FPS games have really improved since last decade.

Sound: 8/10
Even using a laptop speaker, the sound effect is really vivid. I can still remember how it sounds like when the bullet is flying pass me or hitting my head ( in game). If you have full 3D surround sound system, players will not be able to differentiate whether is real or computer generated. there is not much music in this game. Perhaps they should have some place for it during certain intermission.

AI: 8/10
I am playing on hard mode, the AI is shrewd and will always aim for me. No matter where I am hiding they seem to know my whereabout and shoot me from far. I guess there is how the game mechanics work. No doubt their AI prove to be challenging, and sometimes even camping proves to be a challenge especially to RPG and tanks. They will tear down the blockign obstacles. I guess the combination of RPG and MG really made player life tougher. AI really changes everytime you reload the game. This gives the game more replay value.

overall: 8.5/10
Is really a great game, I guess FPS play should try this game no matter what. Everything fits nice in bad company. Especially the storyline dialog and speech are well done to express their personal feeling and obligation about the mission they are going to carry out. Even then the story shows some moral value on friendship and patriotisme.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Game Review - Command & Conquer 4 Tiberian Twilight

Come to think of it command and conquer series has been around for 14 years. Or Perhaps 15 years, since it came out at 1995. The very first C&C series consists of 2 CDs. Back then 2 CDs game is really huge size, since our harddisk is only 420 MB, is lesser than today pendrive. Most of the PC that time is 486-DX2 66. Of course the clock speed is getting faster and faster. After that C&C progress with tiberian sun, tiberium wars and last final episode C&C tiberian twilight. As metioned by EA, they will sum up everything and tell about origin of Kane and also who is kane? But I guess is really a great disappointment that non of these being told.

C&C4 stories continue with Kane using one of the implanted cyborg previously was name LEGION to active the Scrin tower. As player remember the tacitus which is recovered by Kane in the last mission on Kane Wrath is some how fused with the (player) in C&C4 as commander. The story is nothing great and interesting. It is like extended the story from C&C3 where he walks into SCRIN tower and the screen turns white. But this time with more detailed and elaboration on how he activated the tower. This time, the player ( command) character has a wife. If you play GDI the wife died in early mission. For NOD some how she survives.

Gameplay: 6/10
I think the gameplay is totally different from previous C&C, now is more mobile, no resource gathering, everything is depends on the command point you have. Good or bad. But for C&C player i think is a really annoying gameplay. But for strategy player who play Warhammer 40k I think is not too bad, and I should say the game play is quite easy. Any how there is not much strategy that can involve here (singleplay).

You have offensive, defensive and support class. Defensive class has building like towers and all sort of stuff. You have ion canon too. But who will build such structure and camp around when you only have the limit of 60 commands point ? or lesser. Is not 60 units, but 60 command points that each engineers will consume 3. Basically the title should not be called command and conquer, since you can't have massive armies and units, and you cannot even have camping tactics like in C&C generals? Is just like RPG, you try to make units level ups and become heroes. But the problems in C&C4 doesn't have any hero unit? Compare to Warhammer 40k dawn of wars 2, this game is just too less features. It has many units, but then even tier 2 and tier 1 units are sufficient to deal out damage why bother for tier 3?

Basically you build up varies of units that can deal damage to heavy, light and medium armors and get a few engineers (for offensive class). For me I used offensive always, and have my crawler walk together. with the engineer around, you can use your crawler to tank and fix it up later. More or less is really like RPG, got to be so tactical.


What can I say about C&C 4? basically it just the drill down detailed of having LEGION (player/command) to activate the Scrin Portal. Can't they just put this campaign mission into C&C 4? and they have to make it into 9 super short missions for each side? They should have concluded this in Kane's wrath when lastly he combines Tacitus and LEGION. But EA just wanna drag on to make C&C4. and said all of Kane information will be reveal? What is there to be revealed? Everything is almost the same, but just player is given a wife LOL. I can even write up a better story ? huh? And there is not much background development for each of the characters. None.. If this is RPG, the character development should be intense. damn this is worse than Supreme commander 2

What can I say? This is almost like Tiberium wars. or Red alert 3. Things just not too realistic. Whenever reaper get shot by mastadon (Mammoth tank MK2 railgun) it just jumps up and down then died. I am not sure whether is my PC problem or other reason. But I can play it smoother than Supreme commander 2. No big deal. Graphics just entry level nothing great I should say.

The music and everything is just so average, I can barely remember how it is sounds after finishing all the campaign in less than 1 day for both sides. where is hell march?

AI: 5/10
AI is quite brainless, since there is not much strategy you can employ with 60 commands points, the most is they are sending mostly 5 units against your group of units. And those units are just giving you experience points for you to level up your Units. Other than that I got nothing to say. Old AI is much more powerful.

Yea it features more than 60 units, with different classes and different units. If EA is going to make this a tactical game I guess it will be really good. The reason is simple, just get some idea from final fantasy tactics and also shattered galaxy. Incorporated point and tech trees and make leveling up worth. And also make individual units leveling system more profound and allows greater customizability in every units based on general (command's) level and also job specialization such as offend, support, defend, stealth, assassin, rush, turtle, high tech and so on! And also allow level up to have stats point for general to distribute into different stats such as technological level (higher unlock better weapon , armor, features of each units), class point (unlock better units and higher class), customization point ( unlock more powerful customization).


I am really upset with EA and C&C4. C&C started so good by westwood studio, I really didn't expect it will have such a bad ending that Kane just step inside the Scrin Portal and that is! Ascension is REAL!. And whatever is it, perhaps they will make another good C&C good in RPG or tactical style. Other than that, if you wanna know the story of C&C4 , just go to and search for tiberian twilight. Everything is there, and the story sucks big time. Player is awakened, and get implanted with tacitus and I assumed you are legion, and then you just go through series of stupid battle in either kill Kane or help Kane to get into portal but killing gideon and capturing TCN. Sigh.. GDI mission is so stupid because GDI has been trying to kill Kane since C&C1, but failed big time. Even in point blank C&C tiberian sun, Kane was stabbed by never died. cause Cabal clone him again LOL!. What a great story. sigh.. Seriously the storyline in tiberian sun is even better than C&C4.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Recap of 2009 - MAR episode

I guess nothing much happen in March of 2009. Because just after chinese new year. Not much of mood to work too. Then I get news that Yikit is going to marry. Hmm Yee kit was born in september if I am not mistaken. She is virgo. Not really compatible with my horoscope LOL. And more to that she is dog in chinese horoscope. and not that compatible with me also. But whatever superstitious or not, she is married now.

Yea I remember going to her house and talked to her mom and chit chat with them. We are really good friend. I remember treating her to eat siiiii....... ham also. LOL If you speak it in cantonese slowly it sounds like I am treating her to eat shit........ hamm... hahahhaha. Yea she is talkative girl, I like talkative girl. But then because her fate is working life, work day and night LOL. But still not bad, I guess she just conceive a baby boy or baby girl. Not really sure. Still working in nitto denko if I am not mistaken. But then that time I met her, both of us are really busy busy and busy. Usually she didn't pick up my call. I guess fate never bring us together eh?

Well. Wish her have a very happy life. and white hair till old with her husband lor. Her husband is a good guy can see from picture. Very guai chai and very "smooth" type haha. Not like Mr. Joke, parents will say he got CB face LOL. No one likes him cause ugly face:P

Their wedding album, I took it with my camera phone haha. Both of them leng chai leng lui. So compatible.

Whole family photo taking session. I just remember that yellow shirt uncle has really lots of stuff to talk. He sings well too. but don't know why he sings beyond song in her wedding haha

Is Yeekit and the husband. So matching!

Recap of 2009 - FEB episode

Here comes February. I remember I get a new camera phone at this time. Is the samsung I8510i. Is also known as the Innov8. Because that time I was watching gundam 00. There is bunch of fellows call themselves the innovator. That's I go get the phone. Nahh.. is actually it has 8 megapixel camera. All the picture taken from now on is using my new samsung phone. Yea till now it works well.

I remember somewhere in the month, we went to somewhere kampung teluk something or tanjong something LOL. Jason and Elmen were with me that time. Talking about some project. But end up nothing great.

It was the opening for Medklenn skin care product. I am not sure what janice is doing now. Been calling her for awhile, and she is super damn busy. LOL! Other than that, I guess she forgets to renew her domain name and not even complete her internal software system yet. She must be damn busy closing sales. I guess that's her expertise haha.

I think that's the usual place I hang out with Alex Lee, you can find his picture else where in this post. That place is called Samantha. in Uptown. I was wondering Rachel still work there. Long time I never pick up her call. She sells me cheap hard liquor. May be jatuh lori.?

Hmm right hand side we have our beloved Fat God. He helps me mom alot and guided her since she was 33 I remember. Or somewhere there. Many people went there to acquire 4 digits number. Because Fat God said I have good career so I don't really have gambling luck. The 4 digits given by HIM is no miss one. I remember that time he gave me the 4 digits I bought it and kena like RM 1k+. Because is just RM 10 for starter. so is about RM 1k. I didn't gamble big cause not that greedy lor.

We have shaun at the left picture and jason on the right hand side. Both also close friend to me.
Yea and I don't know why Mr. Joke has to pretend to become Jason and talks to BSS. I guess it is really a joke for him to do such childish stuff. I am not sure why such a destructive person can be born into the world like Mr. Joke. Trying to blame others, criticize other people action, and judging people with his own standard LOL. Perhaps himself has really no problem, but the one who gave birth to him, sigh what a joke. Sad case.

WAO!!, I look so lat and also so leh feh that time. I guess I did change alot since that time. Thanks to BSS, who transform me. Hmm I wear a different watch too. Different hair style and different way of eating too? Anyone?

Here is Esolid MD, Lennie Chong. She manages her company quite well, every year her Solid Edge gets double of the sales. Hope this year is triple. SO can beat the shit out of... errr can't mention name. Later get sued again.

This guy is from ONDE. Hmm he is one of the decision maker in ONDE, but then we can't really get the project. I think bad luck LOL!

Is our leng lui Sales & marketing girl - Hanna Rose. I guess that time we were with Lennie to discuss about ONDE project. But failed.

Who else you think this is? Alex Lee lor. Another Brother in Beer LOL. not brother in christ or brother in law. Brother in Beer. Cause this kaki botol without drinking sure like wanna die one. The picture he took also must have beer inside. Alex sure misses Samantha, after 5 and also San Diego!

Yea, this is Elmen, he was working with us for awhile before going to RCE. I guess small company does not suit him well. Really feel happy for him now, where by he has many subordinate to work with.

Just wrap up my february chapter.

Recap of 2009 - JAN episode

Wao is already March 2010. I still didn't do any recap writing for my previous year. Nothing much happen in Jan 2010 except for daily life and daily works. I guess not much of work too since market being quite slow. Hmm going for meetings and then go to few places to have some makan makan. Life is weird eh, just few months back Fat God was telling me about I am getting married soon. Yeah, now is 2010 I guess I will be getting married soon:P

Well Look at the pub in cheras business center. YEa I visit lots of pub, I guess that time drinking was still my past time LOL!.

My favourite sashimi!. I have this with Cat I guess. somewhere in old klang road near alken there. Quite expensive stuff LOL!

Lastly we have some empty plates of malay food. I guess we have this in northern region with Mr. Loh and esolid fellow.

Nothing much really happen in January. Life is still damn dull. cause BSS not yet there for me LOL!

Game Review - Battle field bad company 2

Just get a copy of BFBC2 today. Play 2 rounds of it on hard difficulty. I think is not that hard compare to COD (call of duty). Reason is it can get hit by more bullet, I guess is less realistic compare to COD. Perhaps it will be too difficult to play when it gets too realistic.

One of the best thing in this game is nearly everything is destructible. This make the tanks, grenade and RPG are really powerful. It can blow up the building you are hiding inside. So camping is no longer a better reason for it. The only thing lacking in BF is you can't have prone position. I kind a like it in COD when you are playing sniper in grass land. No one can even see where you are shooting from except showing a red dot on radar. Nonetheless both COD and BF is nice game to have. Just started playing it, won't have much time to finish cause rushing for project.

Time for project and work again!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Game Review - Supreme Commander 2

Yea my life is damn busy, but why I still have time for games? I guess supreme commander 2 is really a short game for strategy player like me. Supreme commander is from the same creator as total annihilation best strategy game of all time even rank better than Starcraft. Yea no doubt is Chris Taylor, who brought us Total annihilation and Supreme commander. For me both the title is really good strategy game. Whoever like strategy game should not miss it. This time the publisher is Square Enix, I like Square Final fantasy series. Not sure when I gonna have time for FF13.

Graphics: 8/10
I guess for graphics, there is not much of stunning changes since Supreme Commander 1. Other than much better explosion and better laser and shielding visualization. I think there is not much to mention. But to compare with Supreme Commander 1, the graphics engine gets improvement and optimization. So now it can run on lower spec machine which has lower end graphic cards. Nonetheless the graphics in battlefield is quite stunning already compare to other strategy title. But there are still rooms for improvement.

General Gameplay: 7/10
Compare to Supreme commander and total annihilation, the only difference now is there is no tier 1 to tier 3 buildings and unit. It has a research technology tree. Which I find it quite annoying. Perhaps Supreme commander is trying to attract more casual player rather than hardcore player like us. Compare to blizzard title, C&C (except general) and westwood title (other than dune) there are really not much strategy game has a tech tree. I mean even slower pace settle will not have such a tech tree which I find it not suitable for heating and high pace battle for Supreme commander. For supreme commander, the focus should be always on battle field. Large scale, with lot's of explosion, multiple squadron of bombers in the air. when you unlock mass converter you will become God like, you just have to build up energy generator to get you mass. And those mass converter are nothing good. Every 1000 energy is 200 Mass, you can get like 100+ energy per second compare to mass that might only have 10 to 15 + per second on certain map. And each generator is so cheap to build compare to mass converter. In skirmish I always use mass converter to get good resource.

Each faction has 6 missions total of 18 mission. But most of the time, each mission will take 30 minutes to finish. So the game will only last you 9 hours to maximum 18 hours. Which about 1 to 2 days you can finish everything plus some skirmish with dumb AI even on hard difficulty.

Unit: 6/10
I find that Supreme commander 1 is much more fun than this title. Now it has lesser units, it has lesser variety of units between faction too. You have couple of experimental which is really effective I would say. The unit between faction more or less are the same, especially towers have land, anti air and torpedo launcher. It doesn't have the fun of tier 1 to 3. Even for air units, the research tree for air unit is always fighter, bomber which is available in the early game, then comes to gunship, transport ship and later some of the experimental units like soul ripper for cybran. The reason without the tier 1 to tier 3 units are simple, in battle you don't have anymore cannon fodder. I remember in supreme commander, you can have a squadron of 8 to 10 tier 1 fighter or gunship as cannon fodder to protect 1 or 2 tier 3 tactical/strategic bomber. For supreme commander 2, unit combination is quite less. Supreme commander 2 is becoming less tactical when you are jus tgoing to mass tank, or missile launcher. Players don't have sniper bots, for damage, tanker unit with shield. Most of the land units for each faction is really almost the same.

Artificial Intelligence: 5/10
The AI for HARD is really easy compare to supreme commander or even total annihilation. Or any other strategy game out there. When the first time I was playing 3v3 with all hard AI. I find it the AI is really slow in building. There are not in turtle mode. The only factory they have is land factory and bunch of tanks. Other than that they have no anti air at all. Even when I have like 10 fighter/bomber (cybran gemini), I go for some exploration, I find that opponent has only a single anti air turret. Straight away I blow up the anti air turret and wreck havoc to the enemy base. After that I just target the commander and send him to destruction. The 3 vs 3 is just too easy. And enemy can't even send tanks or any units near my base. Is not like Supreme commander 1, you will see squadron of tanks and air unit with combination of bombers and fighters come swarming your base. So later I try something harder on 1 Vs 3 computers. The AI still sucks. I cannot imagine that when I finished research everything and is still camping they AI is only 1/3 of total research. And by the time I already have long range artillery bombarding their base. The only AI which prove to be more competence is illuminate that build some nuke to nuke my base. But is just too bad, I have already 6 soul rippers and 4 proto brain that easily take out its whole base. As I remember, in supreme commander 1, level 3 tower will take out your experimental unit like flies too.

Music and sound effect:7/10
What I can say is I still prefer total annihilation music. It really brings you into the intense battle which is raging between all the players. Even after like 10 years, I still remember the music when we start the battle. Sigh just about few days after I play supreme commander 2, I can't even remember how the music like. Just the sound effect is great on big speakers and it will be really stunning to have it as battlefield.

This time supreme commander 2 focus on individual character rather than large scale faction wars. But I guess the script writer is not really good on character development. I have not seen such a bad story development even in Red alert 3. The wars and the character development doesn't fit well because supreme commander is suppose to focus on large scale warfare not like warcraft style with hero RPG elements. Or you will have C&C style scenario mission like protect some building, capture something, or destroy some units. In the whole supreme commander 2 is pretty easy you just destroy all your enemy. And all those optional objectives are really useless and give you nothing. Strategy game with character story telling so far the best is warcraft 3 with its expansion, because it has heroes and is very well suited to blend in their story. For C&C title, because the war is always talking about Nod, Cane and Tiberian, that's why people play the game even thought its game play sucks but players still wanna know the story. Just like everyone is expecting C&C4 to get the conclusion of the whole tiberian series. Because supreme commander has never talk about in depth any characters or their story, and mostly we only see them talking on battlefield with anger, or Dr. Brackman talking like philosopher even he said he is scientist and etc. Nothing much about their background. Now they wanna focus on character story telling. Is really a great disappointment. I rather they focus on battle field scenary and terrain that talk about the battle at different planet, which will give more insight how humanity has developed through the thousand years. Just like the last stage of Supreme commander 2 which battle on shiva prime, is a good scenario. And more map with different elements, like in volcano, different atmospheric effect or different landscape with different battle strategy should be conducted. Map elements are so important, which in supreme commander 2, most of the battle are just too straight forward and I find it compare to total annihilation has no challenge at all. The naval battle just too simple.

Overall: 6.6
I don't like the score, because I like chris taylor games, I like supreme commander series (included TA). But this title is really a great disappointment for me. Even the previous strategy game I had (C&C kane wrath) is more fun that this. I mean the story and also the world domination mode. Perhaps the expansion for this game title will be much better. I am not sure there is any expansion for it. To put everything in the nutshell, this game is just a fairly average strategy game, whether you play it or not, you don't lose anything. But you really got to lose something if you don't try out TA and SC1.