usually I will use DAY(now) to retrieve the day part. which return 1 to 31 normally.
It is working well for all my ASP.NET project until recently I started a VB.NET project because I need to synchronize a local DB using HTTP to my server. Which I need a stand alone application for the local user to help me CLICK a button to sync some data. and further improve it to becomes a automated windows service. But before that you will get an error message
'Day' is a type and cannot be used as an expression.
I was like WTF with this VB.NET, everything should be the same as ASP.NET
it is really a frustration to look around for solution.
So the only thing you need to do is to import that DAMN visual basic reference
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateAndTime
everything will go fine after that, I guess this import is a "DEFAULT" import for ASP.NET
VB.NET application or VB.NET services do not have this default setting.