Monday, December 1, 2008

May be I am expecting too much

Most of the time, we will say friends are meant to support each other and help each others. But I guess we should not expect too much about friends, because :
1) they have their responsibility toward other "brothers" and friends,
2) they have their own personal stuff to do, so they might not free
3) friends are just friends, they are not "compulsory" to help you to the max
4) they wish to help but may be is not within their capability
5) we are not worth enough for them to sacrifice their time. LOL..

No matter how, we got to be the light for the world, we should always contribute and give a helping hand if can have. But we also need to defend ourselves from all harmful attack and also unhealthy emotion. So don't over expect, if not you will be in dissapointment.

Sometimes I am really pessimistic, that's why when I am in deep shit not many can really help me, other than God or books (consider about some technical issues or working issues)

So at the end, we have to be more independant in order to survive the harsh world.

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