Thursday, December 4, 2014

Mitakon F/0.95 50mm on Sony A7

Finally I get the chance to try out a F/0.95 lens, on full frame camera. Other than the legendary leica F0.95 I don't find it any other lens get as good as this mitakon F/0.95 50mm.

I got it yesterday night, today is my first day walking around my housing area and trying to shoot some of the picture. I am not good at manual focusing, but thanks to the peeking mode, I guess the manual focus get easier than ever.

Many would think that the mitakon F/0.95 50m may be be soft if shoot wide open. But I am very sure the F/0.95 performance is really good at this price value. By using real sample, rather than comparing pixel by pixel with some charts. I believe this will make you believe this lens is a must for 50mm prime.

But when I enlarge and zoom it in, you can see the sharpness on the cat face and the moustache. 
It is really sharp. I will update more picture for the following few days.

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