Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Classica Guitar - Variation of sakura

It is such a long time since I last posted a new song, kind a occupied with my current project. Finally I have time to record and do some post processing for this classical piece. It is actually more likely a japanese folk song Sakura, but this time with its variation together.  If you don't know what is sakura then you can take a look at the picture above. Other than that you can still visit wikipedia here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sakura for original sakura description or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sakura_Sakura for detail explanation about the folk song sakura. 

I have not uploaded this song to IMEEM, it takes some time, so just download from http://www.ewarps.com/mp3/sakura.mp3

Don't leech from my server it has bandwidth limitation, if you like it just download it or you can help me to upload it somewhere.. Thanks.. Enjoy the song

Friday, September 19, 2008

Sorry no update !

Being really busy with my current Project, you know software development has many risks and unforseen problems. Currently recording Sakura theme will publish soon.

any way this IMEEM is kind a slow here, if you are trying to access my mp3 collection try http://www.opaps.com/mp3/